Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Demo of the Day: It's Virtual Chocolate; A Custom VM Dipped in a Chocolatey Box Starter. Delicious. | Demo of the Day [feedly]

Demo of the Day: It's Virtual Chocolate; A Custom VM Dipped in a Chocolatey Box Starter. Delicious. | Demo of the Day
// Channel 9

This is the next episode of Demo of the Day. Jerry Nixon (@jerrynixon), author of Template 10 (http://aka.ms/template10), Developer's Guide to Windows 10, XAML for Windows 10 and dozens of Microsoft Virtual Academy courses on Universal apps and XAML techniques, Skypes with Brandon H, elite Microsoft Developer from up north. Brandon is the author of T-Minus and a significant contributor to Template 10 for Windows 10.

In today's demo call, Brandon reminds Jerry of the nightmare when creating a new virtual machine. The time, the details, it's all a waste. And, so easy to get wrong. Brandon get's the gist on how to make things better, more automated, by using curated Chocolaty packages and Box Starter, an open source project meant to make provisioning virtual machines as easy as pie. But wait, there's more. Brandon and Jerry swap some life-changing extensions for Visual Studio that every developer needs.


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