Friday, November 18, 2016

Chef on Chef: Extreme Dogfooding [feedly]

Chef on Chef: Extreme Dogfooding

-- via my feedly newsfeed

It's hard enough for a company to run its own services reliably - there are entire volumes of work written on how to do it. When you're a vendor to other groups in your own company, you add even more complexity when you dogfood software; the practice of testing and using the same software you ship to customers. At Chef, we decided to dogfood our own products along with several new technology components simultaneously. It was an educational experience! In this webinar, Chef Principal Engineer Seth Chisamore shares how his team learned to dogfood software for the Package Router project, which is a service used to distribute every product Chef Software Inc ships. Our software was still under development and the team used dogfooding not just as quality control but as a way to demonstrate their confidence in its stability. He'll talk about lessons learned and how the team leveraged several Chef products--including Habitat, InSpec, and Chef Automate--in tandem with a new technology stack to make sure our software is always ready to release to customers. Join us to learn: - The value of including automated tests as part of a build pipeline - How we use our own open-source and commercial products at Chef to serve up our software to the world - How to leverage new technologies safely and at velocity Who should attend: - Release engineers - DevOps engineers - Systems architects

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