Tuesday, February 7, 2012

CTX131945 - XenServer Windows Live Debugger Tool - Citrix Knowledge Center

CTX131945 - XenServer Windows Live Debugger Tool - Citrix Knowledge Center:

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XenServer Windows Live Debugger Tool

Document ID: CTX131945 / Created On: Feb 6, 2012 / Updated On: Feb 6, 2012
Average Rating: not yet rated

XenServer Windows Live Debugger

Created Date:13 January 2012

Updated Date: 13 January 2012


This tool is used to connect WinDBG to a XenServer Windows virtual machine, then, for example, you can generate a memory dump.

This is done by using an emulated serial port to limit bandwidth.


A local copy of WinDBG installed.

A Windows virtual machine that has serial debug enabled:

In the virtual machine being debugged, modify the boot.ini by adding debug parameters.

By default the boot.ini file should contain a line like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn

Add an additional line to the boot.ini file that is the same as the above line with extra parameters for debugging to use an emulated COM port.

Example boot.ini entry:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn /debug /debugport=com1

This virtual machine must be turned off; the tool starts the selected virtual machine.

There must be enough resources on the XenServer master to start the virtual machine.

Installing XenServer Windows Live Debugger

The tool does not need to be installed, simply start the tool.

How to Use XenServer Windows Live Debugger

This tool requires WinDBG to be present. It looks in the default location for the executable. If WinDBG is not found, you are asked to locate WinDBG.exe.

When the tool is started, three details are required:

  • XenServer Master Hostname/IP
  • XenServer Username
  • XenServer Password

  1. Press OK to log on to the XenServer.
  2. Choose the virtual machine you have prepared by enabling serial debug (explained in the prerequisites section).

The virtual machine starts, and a WinDBG session connects to the virtual serial port.

  1. If you need to create a memory dump, in the WinDBG console. use the following command:
    .dump /m c:\dump_name.dmp (/m = mini dump or /f = full dump
  2. When your session is over, close WinDBG and the application closes.

Security Permissions Required by XenServer Windows Live Debugger

Root access is needed to your XenServer Pool Master.

Data Modified by XenServer Windows Live Debugger

For the selected Virtual Machine, a new parameter is added.

How to Undo the Changes Made by XenServer Windows Live Debugger

If the tool crashes without reversing the new parameter setting, it should be reversed by using the following command on the XenServer console:

xe vm-param-remove param-name=other-config param-key=hvm_serial uuid=

Uninstalling XenServer Windows Live Debugger

To uninstall, delete the executable.

Contact Information

Questions? Concerns? Send any feedback for this tool to supporttools@citrix.com.


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