Monday, August 6, 2012

Texas Linux Fest 2012 Wrap-Up

Texas Linux Fest 2012 Wrap-Up:
With the exception of the weather (hot!), I enjoyed everything about the trip to San Antonio last week for the Texas Linux Fest 2012. The unofficial numbers I got from some of the organizers on Saturday placed the attendance at less than 500 people, but it’s quality that counts, right?
The TXLF attendees were a lot of fun to talk to and we had quite a few really good conversations about CloudStack with folks who were either interested in CloudStack or had already tried it and had questions about their experience. The expo floor was pretty small – but the selection of projects and vendors was pretty good. This was my second TXLF, but my first in San Antonio. Overall, I liked the venue and the relaxed nature of the conference. The attendees seemed to be a pretty good mix of people who knew and were working with Linux, and enthusiasts in various stages of becoming acquainted with Linux. Quite a few folks were interested in cloud computing in general, and what CloudStack had to offer in particular.

CloudStack Presentation

Saturday afternoon, I had a chance to talk about Apache CloudStack. Originally, I’d proposed the talk as a tutorial, but with a 45-minute time slot I had to scale things back a bit. (CloudStack is pretty awesome, but a 45-minute installation would be just a wee bit tricky – especially if you were trying to explain the install as you go…)
Instead, I focused on a quick overview of what cloud computing is, the different types of cloud computing (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and why open source cloud is important. From there, I gave an overview of CloudStack and its features, and did a short demo of the CloudStack UI.
Given the size of the show, I was really happy with the turnout for the talk. I didn’t get a full count of the room, but I’m guessing it was at least 100 people. I promised that I’d post the slides after the talk, so they’re up on SlideShare for anyone to gander at. Note that this was the 1.0 of the talk, so it will change quite a bit between now and the next time I give a CloudStack talk.

On a sad note, a couple of people had expected us to hold a Build a Cloud Day (BACD) at Texas Linux Fest on Friday and were disappointed to find out that wasn’t on the schedule. There was a BACD prior to TXLF 2011, but it hadn’t been scheduled for this year. However I talked to quite a few folks from universities and businesses near San Antonio that had an interest in CloudStack. If there’s sufficient interest in San Antonio and/or Austin, I’m happy to work with folks there to hold a BACD sometime before the next TXLF – and we’ll certainly look at doing a BACD prior to TXLF 2013, too.
Note that we’re also planning a BACD for CloudCon Expo on October 1st, and we’ll have a slew of CloudStack talks at CloudOpen and many other events in the near future. Just keep an eye out on this blog and the events calendar.
(Originally published on Dissociated Press.)

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