Thursday, August 16, 2012

VMware: New CEO, Expanded Cloud Software Strategy at VMworld

VMware: New CEO, Expanded Cloud Software Strategy at VMworld:
VMware CEO Paul Maritz and his successor, Pat Gelsinger, will take center stage at VMworld on Aug. 27. Joined by CTO Steve Herrod, the trio is expected to describe how VMware (NYSE: VMW) will push beyond traditional virtualization to power next-generation data centers. The goal: Virtualize servers, storage and networking while empowering customers for cloud computing. Are VMware and its channel partners up to the challenge?
VMware announced the CEO transition, effective this September, last month. More recently VMware has acquired Nicira for a network virtualization push.  And just this week, VMware purchased Log Insight — a data center management tool provider. You can see the pieces coming together for a larger, more diversified data center push.
But as VMware’s product line becomes more complex it must also become simplified. VARs and cloud services providers (CSPs) want a single pane of glass — one dashboard — to manage physical, virtual and cloud computing resources.
VMware appears to have the upper hand against rivals, delivering strong quarterly results in July while continuing to flex its virtualization muscle. But VMware also is under attack on multiple fronts. By extending into storage virtualization and network virtualization, the company could be stretching itself thin against such rivals as:
For VMware, the pressure is on to show a diversified, simplified product suite for channel partners. The VAR Guy will be watching to see if VMware delivers the goods at VMworld.

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