Friday, March 22, 2013

Puppet Camp Barcelona Wrap-Up

Puppet Camp Barcelona Wrap-Up

We had a great response to Puppet Camp Barcelona with over 170 attendees in person and 12 more watching the internal live stream from the Telefónica offices in Madrid and Granada. A huge thank you to Telefónica for generously providing their space for us!

We kicked off the day with Chris Spence delivering the State of Puppet presentation to give attendees a good overview of Puppet and related technologies along with more information about Puppet Labs and our community. He not only kicked off the event, but he also wrapped up the day with some Puppet demos.

Gary Wilson also did two presentations, and he should win some kind of award for creative presentation style. He talked about Good Things to Know about Puppet and ZPF – The Elusive Zero Point of Failure with poetry and examples from science. He did all of this with a presentation driven by command line scripts that ran live code to build things as he described them.

One of my favorite talks of the day was about Test driven Infrastructure Development from Tomas Doran (aka bobtfish). I was a little worried during the first half of the presentation where he talked mostly about what didn't work, but luckily, he shifted to how to make things better about halfway through the talk. If you haven't seen him present, I highly recommend watching him for the entertainment value alone.

Alex Soto did a quick poll before he started his presentation to ask if people wanted to hear his talk about Mimicking Your Java EE Production Environment for Testing and Beyond in Spanish or English, and the overwhelming response was for him to present in Spanish. He talked about continuous delivery and releasing more often, building a pipeline, virtualization tools and how all of this (and more) works with Puppet.

Xavi Carrillo did a great talk about how Telefónica R&D uses Puppet in combination with Gitlab to configure their systems and keep everything in a controlled state to make deployments much easier. Right now, all of this work is being done in testing environments before they puppetize their production environment. Francisco Martínez from Telefónica also did a short Hiera 101 demo to demonstrate what you can do with Heira. I always like hearing presentations from people who are are still in the early stages of their work with Puppet, since a lot of people are in similar situations and can relate to these types of talks.

Like most tech events, we ended with drinks after the Puppet Camp presentations, and quite a few of us stayed for several hours. I really enjoy these social activities where we can chat about what we learned and wind down from a full day of activities.

Thank you to everyone who joined us at Puppet Camp Barcelona! If you missed it, you can get links to the presentations for this event shortly or view materials from other past Puppet Camps by visiting the Previous Puppet Camps section of the Puppet Camp page.

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