Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Apache CloudStack Networking & Monitoring Meetup [feedly]

Apache CloudStack Networking & Monitoring Meetup
// Latest blog entries

Last night, the CloudStack SF Bay Area Users Group held their first meetup for 2014 at SAPLabs in Palo Alto, CA. John Kinsella, our MC of the night, kicked off the meetup with the agenda and announced information about the CloudStack Collaboration Conference North America in Denver, Colorado on April 9th-11th. Will you be there? John, Animesh and I will certainly be!

Sheng Yang did a great job on his presentation, "CloudStack Networking Overview" going over CloudStack's network infrastructure, including the features that are supported, the services that are provided and by giving attendees a look into the virtual router. You can view his presentation slides here.

Next, Mike Turnlund, Director of Business Development at CA Technologies gave a presentation on "Contextual Monitoring for CloudStack." He reviewed how proper tooling can make the difference in running an excellent service versus a problem plagued environment. You can view the presentation slides here.


It was great seeing all of the regular CloudStackers once again! To those who were new to the group – welcome again! There were many suggestions from attendees on doing another hands-on session and we are all ears on that idea. The organizers and myself will begin working on the agenda for the next hands-on session at the CloudStack meetup in March. We're always listening and open to any feedback!

On another note, I did get a chance to chat with one of the regular attendees (name will remain anonymous) and he told me that his company just migrated over to Apache CloudStack this Monday. Congratulations! For those of you who want to try out Apache CloudStack and need some help getting started, please feel free to reach out to any of the organizers (John Kinsella, Animesh Chaturvedi, Karen Vuong or Ilya Musayev) or visit You can also join one of the Apache CLoudStack mailing lists to get help from the community there:

A huge thanks goes out to Sheng Yang and Mike Turnlund for taking the time out of their day to speak at last night's CloudStack meetup. Also, the organizers wanted to give another warm welcome to Ilya Musayev (Apache CloudStack Committer) for joining us yesterday. He has moved from New York to the Silicon Valley and we will be seeing much of him at our future meetups.

On behalf of the organizers (John Kinsella, Animesh Chaturvedi and myself), we want to thank SAP Labs for once again hosting the CloudStack SF Bay Area Users Group and providing such a nice and spacious venue for all 48 CloudStackers.

For the rest of the photos of the meetup, click here.

Do you want to attend the next CloudStack meetup in the Bay Area? Become a member of our growing group and join us for pizza, beer and CloudStack talks in the 2014! Visit:

Submit your talk today! The CloudStack Collaboration Conference will be held in Denver, Colorado from April 9-11th, 2014. Join us for a hacakthon, workshops, presentations, evening fun and collaboration within the CloudStack community. We'll be there and we hope to see you in Denver! For more information on the CCCNA14, please click here.

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