Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Screencasts of Puppet-Gluster + Vagrant [feedly]

Screencasts of Puppet-Gluster + Vagrant
// Planet DevOps

I decided to record some screencasts to show how easy it is to deploy GlusterFS using Puppet-Gluster+Vagrant. You can follow along even if you don't know anything about Puppet or Vagrant. The hardest part of this process was producing the actual videos!

If recommend first reading my earlier articles if you're planning on following along:

Without any further delay, here are the screencasts:

Part 1: Intro, and provisioning of the Puppet server.

Part 2: Initial building of the Gluster hosts.

Part 3: Finishing the Gluster builds.

Part 4: GlusterFS client mounting and tests.

Part 5: Mixed bag of code, infrastructure tours, examples and other details.

I hope you enjoyed these videos. Thank you to the community for hosting them. If you liked these videos, please consider sponsoring some of my work, or making a donation!

As a side note, the only screencast tool that worked was gtk-recordmydesktop, however it deleted my second recording (which had to be re-recorded) and the audio stopped working one minute into my third recording (which had to then be separately recorded, and mixed in). Amazingly, pitivi was the only tool which worked to properly mix them together!

Happy Hacking,


PS: Please note, you may not sell, edit, redistribute, perform, or host these videos elsewhere without my permission. I especially don't want to see them on youtube until Google let's me unlink my youtube account! If you do want my permission to use these videos for something, contact me, and we can work something out. I'll surely allow it if it's not for something evil. If you'd rather have an interactive, live demo, let me know!

Shared via my feedly reader

Sent from my iPad

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