Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Apple Among Tech Companies Interested in Acquiring Health Tracker Maker Basis [feedly]

Apple Among Tech Companies Interested in Acquiring Health Tracker Maker Basis
// MacRumors: Mac News and Rumors - All Stories
Basis, the company behind the Basis Health fitness tracker, has put itself up for purchase and has discussed the possibility of a buyout with tech companies including Apple, Google, Samsung, and Microsoft, reports TechCrunch.

basis_fitness tracker
Basis Health Tracker 2014 Edition
The price we've heard for any possible activity is "sub-hundred million" which could mean a small return for investors like Norwest Venture Partners, Mayfield Fund and Intel Capital, who have poured over $30 million into the company.
While it is unknown as to how much interest Apple has in purchasing the San Francisco-based company, an acquisition would make sense. Recent reports have suggested that the iWatch will include optical sensors to measure physical functions, and Basis' experience in developing advanced fitness tracking products would make them a natural fit as Apple looks to integrate more health-centric technology into its smart watch product.

Furthermore, Basis' most recent tracker includes the ability to monitor health-related metrics such such as heart rate, sleep activity, movement, perspiration levels, and skin temperature, which is similar to what past reports have indicated as tracking features for the iWatch. Apple is also said to be developing a "Healthbook" app for iOS 8 which could also be bolstered by the technologies currently found in Basis' products.

Over the past few months, Apple has also hired a number of health experts in fields related to heart rate monitoring and fitness tracking. Two executives from pulse-oximetry company Masimo joined Apple, which includes its former Chief Medical Officer. Other health-related hires have also been from C8 MediSensors, a company that develops non-invasive blood monitoring sensors.

Overall, details on the iWatch have been mostly limited, but more information is likely to be revealed as the product's release grows closer. It is unknown when Apple plans to launch the iWatch, but a fall release date alongside iOS 8 and a next-generation iPhone is likely.

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