Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Episode #441 - February 18th, 2014 [feedly]

Episode #441 - February 18th, 2014
// Ruby5

In this episode we cover mruby 1.0, Hound CI, ActiveIntegration, Rails Flash Partials, Inch, Inheritable Aliases, and a big Rails for Zombies update. Put down your brains and your entrails.

Listen to this episode on Ruby5

Sponsored by TopRubyJobs

If you're looking for a top Ruby job or for top Ruby talent, then you should check out Top Ruby Jobs. Top Ruby Jobs is a website dedicated to the best jobs available in the Ruby community.
This episode is sponsored by Top Ruby Jobs

mruby 1.0 Released!

Earlier this month mruby 1.0 was released. This is a lightweight implementation of the Ruby language which can be linked and embedded within an application. You can also compile Ruby programs into compiled byte code.
mruby 1.0 Released!

Hound CI

Scott Albertson from Thoughtbot just released Hound CI, which is a service that reviews GitHub pull requests for style guide violations. It provides guidelines for things like git workflow, code formatting, naming, organization, and language-specific conventions for languages like Sass, Ruby, Coffeescript, Objective-C, and Python. AND it even includes some Rails development conventions for HTML, routing, background jobs, and testing.
Hound CI

Confidently Manage Business Logic with ActiveInteraction

OrgSync recently released version 1.0 of their gem ActiveInteraction, which helps manage application specific business logic. It's a unique way to help you keep business logic out of your models and controllers.
Confidently Manage Business Logic with ActiveInteraction

Rails Flash Partials

Zack Siri from Codemy wrote to us about another screencast he's created, this time it's about Rails Flash Partials. Setting up flash messages in Rails is really simple, but it can become more complex as your application grows. Rails partials are great for keeping your code DRY, and flash messages are no exception.
Rails Flash Partials


So there's lots of libraries to help you rate your code, based on complexity, code coverage and so on and so on.. But this week I found a library that will grade how well your code is documented called Inch, by René Föhring. Check it out next time you need to beef up your documentation on a project.

Inheritable Aliases in Ruby

Ruby's method aliases are pretty handy, but if you method_alias in a class and then extend from that class, it won't work. One way to solve this is by using the Forwardable module and its def_delegator method that are included in the Ruby standard library. However, a better solution is outlined in Nate Smith's blog post, in which he describes writing a custom inheritable_alias method.
Inheritable Aliases in Ruby

Rails for Zombies Updated!

Over on Code School we just updated the original Rails for Zombies to be compatible with Rails 4 and Ruby 2. We made a massive improvement to the videos as well, so if you know anyone that needs to get started with Ruby on Rails, you know where to send em.
Rails for Zombies Updated!

Thank You for Listening to Ruby5

Ruby5 is released Tuesday and Friday mornings. To stay informed about and active with this podcast, we encourage you to do one of the following:

Thank You for Listening to Ruby5

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