Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Proposal: Moving XCP binaries to XenServer.org [feedly]

Proposal: Moving XCP binaries to XenServer.org
// Xen Timeline
Hi all,

I wanted to propose to move the legacy XCP binaries from XenProject.org
to XenServer.org. With XenServer being fully open source and XCP
basically being a variant of XenServer, it would make a lot more sense
to keep all these binaries with XenServer.org. The fact that we have XCP
and XenServer.org in two different places has led to:

* fragmentation of the XCP user community
* it is also a constant source of confusion in the user community

In a nutshell many people don't know whether they should go to
XenServer.org to ask XCP related questions or whether to ask them on
XenProject.org. As a result many questions remain unanswered. Russell
and me spend a lot of our time, pointing people to the right place
and/or cross-posting. I was hoping things would get better over time,
but they have not improved.

When the Xen Project was created, there was no real alternative but to
keep XCP as part of the Xen Project. With XenServer being fully open
source, and being established, there is no reason why we can't clean up
some of the confusion. In my opinion we really should do this.

This proposal does *not* affect the XAPI project : the XAPI project
would continue to develop the XAPI toolstack as part of the Xen Project
(and deliver source "releases"). In fact, I would also propose to make
the xapi mailing list a developer mailing list. This fits much better
with how the Hypervisor and MirageOS projects are run and creates an
overall cleaner and easier to understand model for the Xen Project.

I have in principle agreement from:
* The Xen Project Advisory Board and the Linux Foundation (which is
needed as I am proposing to move assets out of XenProject.org)
* Citrix to take on XCP as part of XenProject.org
* Citrix to provide resources to migrate content and redirect URLs from
xxx.XenProject.org to XenServer.org such that people wont be impacted.
This part is quite important. People who would come to download or find
information about XCP, are basically encouraged to ask XCP related
questions on XenProject.org. If they are redirected to the right place
in XenServer.org, that does mean that they are redirected to the site
where they should ask questions.
* I may be able to get some resources to have the wiki cleaned up too
and do some redirects there too (another source of ongoing confusion)

== Who and how to vote? ==

As this is not an entirely project local decision, I propose that
according to http://xenproject.org/governance.html
- Members of all developer mailing lists (including the user lists) on
Xenproject.org can review the proposal and voice an opinion
- Maintainers of*all mature*projects and the Xenproject.org community
manager are allowed to vote : these are maintainers of xen-devel and xen-api

You would vote by replying "+1"
If you don't care vote "0"
If you object, vote "-1", which must include an alternative proposal or
a detailed explanation of the reasons for the negative vote.

Please vote by Feb 25th

Best Regards

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Sent from my iPhone

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