Friday, June 20, 2014

Deutsche Telekom’s Enterprise DevOps Journey [feedly]

Deutsche Telekom's Enterprise DevOps Journey
// Chef Blog

This is a guest post by Shruti Bhat, Director Products at Ravello Systems

While the debate rages on about DevOps for enterprises, one large enterprise brought together rock-solid quality of service and extreme agility to create a "best of worlds" DevOps implementation. Deutsche Telekom cleverly leveraged both VMware and AWS infrastructures with Ravello's nested virtualization to enable their CI/CD pipeline using Chef & Jenkins.

An upcoming webinar will explore how the Deutsche Telekom HBS operations team maintains an extremely advanced and agile architecture. All configuration in the each of their application instances is managed with Chef. This includes the typical system configuration such as user accounts and services configuration on virtual machines, but also the configuration of the routers, firewalls, load balancers, and even the DNS. HBS deploys application and OS updates using a fully automated CI/CD pipeline, driven by Jenkins. Deutsche Telekom used Ravello System's nested virtualization technology to extend their infrastructure capacity and automation (using AWS as the underlying public cloud) without any changes to their existing on-premises implementation.

Please join us to hear about their DevOps journey, best practices and lessons learned in this upcoming webinar on Wed, Jun 25th, 2014 where Ram Akuka will share Deutsche Telekom's Enterprise DevOps Journey.


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