Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Rally Software Unifies Developers and IT Operations with Chef to Rapidly Deliver New Services [feedly]

Rally Software Unifies Developers and IT Operations with Chef to Rapidly Deliver New Services
// Chef Blog

Software Management Provider Chooses Chef to Automate Virtualized Infrastructure, Accelerate Application Development, and Tighten Customer Feedback Loop

SEATTLE – July 15, 2014 – Chef, the leader in web-scale IT automation, today announced that Rally Software, a leading global provider of enterprise-class software and services solutions to drive business agility, has deployed Chef to bring its developer and IT operations teams together to more rapidly develop new services and increase focus on IT innovation. With Chef, Rally can automate IT management and application testing in its virtualized infrastructure, powering a sophisticated service-oriented architecture (SOA) that unlocks faster application development and shorter feedback loops for Rally's customers.

Leading enterprises today are using software to more rapidly deliver new services in response to customer demand and competition. This requires that software developers and IT operations teams more closely collaborate around shared goals, at new speeds, and with the flexibility to adapt on a dime to changing customer needs. Rally recognized that Chef could help the company institutionalize DevOps to achieve these advantages and support its speed-focused approach to software development. Using Chef, Rally has one unified DevOps team with a common language, an automated infrastructure for rapid collaboration and a renewed focus on innovation.

For an in-depth look at Rally's DevOps strategy and use of automation, read their Chef profile here.

News Highlights:

By using Chef, Rally can:

-        Ensure maximum system resiliency: Combining Chef with Berkshelf and Vagrant, and using Test Kitchen, Rally can automate a vast number of tests for everything from a new server to a new application deployment. This test-driven approach to infrastructure gives Rally a rock-solid system capable of keeping pace with the most agile development cycles.

-        Move very fast: Because Chef automates the management of Rally's infrastructure, the operations team can provide development with resources on-demand, giving them the compute they need to deliver applications as fast as they can code. This means new services can be created in hours or days, not weeks or months.

-        Unify dev and ops: Chef gives both development and operations teams the ability to treat infrastructure as code, creating a common blueprint for configurations and deployments that improves collaboration and development velocity.

Supporting Quotes:

"Our previous solution for configuration management and deployment didn't scale. It created a difficult developer workflow and was not testable or repeatable. Now Chef lets us apply software engineering practices to our infrastructure and allows us to create cross-functional teams that operationalize the products they're building. We can move faster, as one unified team and make customer feedback loops extremely tight."

-        Steve Willcox, Chief Engineer, Director of Core Services, Rally Software

"Agility is part of Rally's DNA. Its agile application lifecycle management platform helps accelerate business velocity, improve productivity, and more effectively adapt to customer needs. The company's transition to a DevOps-oriented environment demonstrates that it's living and breathing agility at home. Plus they're big Chef Community contributors, which we really appreciate."

-        Adam Jacob, Chief Technology Officer, Chef Software

You can review a number of open sourced Chef Cookbooks from Rally here.

Additional Resources:

About Chef

We are Chef – the leader in web-scale IT automation. We give you a model for automating IT infrastructure and applications that drive self-reliance across your development and operations teams. We are the Chef community. We are tens of thousands strong. We are helping your businesses become faster, safer and more flexible, so you win in today's 24×7 digital economy. Join our movement today. www.getchef.com

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