Friday, October 3, 2014

DevOpsCLE - MeetUp - Thoughts and impressions

MeetUp - DevOpsCLE

As my first MeetUp ever, I had the opportunity to present on DevOps and Windows. I posted the slide deck in a separate post last night so I won't include it again. The MeetUp was at LeanDog which is an awesome place that is actually a boat, I am not kidding. The atmosphere was very laid back and everyone was really welcoming.

As this was my first public presentation on how I am using Chef with Windows, besides evangelizing it at the office and a posting here, I feel that it went pretty well. We had 7-8 people in attendance, ranging from Linux developers, .Net programmers to Sysadmins(Linux/Windows). I did the basic presentation then proceeded to do a live demo with a Vagrant Windows 2012r2 server. I actually turned the server into a terminal server to show how Chef handles pending reboots. In the future, as a mental not to myself, increase the Ram on the VM....:)

To me the actual best part was the Q/A afterwards. We discussed the philosophy of what DevOps really is and how it can accelerate pretty much everything if everyone would just work together and understand the benefit to the business as a whole.

As an added benefit, I picked up some coding tips from some much better Rubyists than time test and learn more. I really look forward to what is coming next...

You should check out the group and join us!

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