Tuesday, November 11, 2014

OpenStack Glance: import images and convert them directly in Ceph [feedly]

OpenStack Glance: import images and convert them directly in Ceph
// Ceph

Ceph, to work in optimal circumstances requires the usage of RAW images. However, it is painful to upload RAW images in Glance because it takes a while. Let see how we can make our life easier.

First let's upload our image, for the purpose of this example I used a tiny CirrOS image:

```bash $ sudo rbd -p imajeez --image-format 2 import cirros-0.3.0-x86-64-disk.img.1 $(uuidgen)

$ sudo rbd -p imajeez info 33fc77e2-df0e-4f71-a966-b8df2b245f42 rbd image '33fc77e2-df0e-4f71-a966-b8df2b245f42': size 9532 kB in 3 objects order 22 (4096 kB objects) block_name_prefix: rbd_data.331574b0dc51 format: 2 features: layering ```

Now this is where it becomes interesting! The good thing here is that we can trigger the conversion directly from Ceph and this using the qemu-img tool. Simply call a conversion and generate a new name based on a new UUID.

bash $ sudo qemu-img convert -O raw rbd:imajeez/33fc77e2-df0e-4f71-a966-b8df2b245f42 rbd:imajeez/$(uuidgen)

We now have two images in our pool:

bash $ sudo rbd -p imajeez ls 33fc77e2-df0e-4f71-a966-b8df2b245f42 4f460d8c-2af3-4041-a28d-12c3631a305f

And the image has a RAW format:

bash $ sudo qemu-img info rbd:imajeez/4f460d8c-2af3-4041-a28d-12c3631a305f image: rbd:imajeez/4f460d8c-2af3-4041-a28d-12c3631a305f file format: raw virtual size: 39M (41126400 bytes) disk size: unavailable cluster_size: 4194304

We can now delete our original QCOW2 image:

bash $ sudo rbd -p imajeez rm 33fc77e2-df0e-4f71-a966-b8df2b245f42

In order for this image to be compliant with Glance, we need to snapshot and protect it:

```bash $ sudo rbd --pool imajeez snap create --snap snap 4f460d8c-2af3-4041-a28d-12c3631a305f $ rbd --pool imajeez snap protect --image 4f460d8c-2af3-4041-a28d-12c3631a305f --snap snap

$ sudo rbd -p imajeez snap ls 4f460d8c-2af3-4041-a28d-12c3631a305f SNAPID NAME SIZE

 4 snap 40162 kB  


Eventually add this image into Glance, note that using the --location flag will not upload anything since we directly register the location in Ceph.

bash $ glance image-create --id 4f460d8c-2af3-4041-a28d-12c3631a305f --name CirrosImport --store rbd --disk-format raw --container-format bare --location rbd://$(sudo ceph fsid)/imajeez/4f460d8c-2af3-4041-a28d-12c3631a305f/snap +------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +------------------+--------------------------------------+ | checksum | None | | container_format | bare | | created_at | 2014-11-10T17:00:02 | | deleted | False | | deleted_at | None | | disk_format | raw | | id | 4f460d8c-2af3-4041-a28d-12c3631a305f | | is_public | False | | min_disk | 0 | | min_ram | 0 | | name | CirrosImport | | owner | 2f314f86ca9048ac828baedb5e8e4e2a | | protected | False | | size | 41126400 | | status | active | | updated_at | 2014-11-10T17:00:02 | | virtual_size | None | +------------------+--------------------------------------+

This procedure will probably be reproduced as soon as the Glance conversion blueprint gets implemented. As always, it's easier with Ceph since we don't need to store the image in a temporary location, convert it and then upload it. This is unfortunately the problem with backend such as Swift.


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