Gartner Names OpenDaylight 2015 Cool "Vendor"
// OpenDaylight blogs
We are honored to have just been named one of Gartner's Cool Vendors in Enterprise Networking for 2015 today, a title previously held by other open efforts including Open Compute Project and OpenStack. Gartner Research Director Andrew Lerner says in his blog today that to be named "cool" means the ability for a networking organization to solve customer challenges in new and innovative ways. He's written before about how the industry has come to embrace OpenDaylight as the de facto standard open source SDN controller and calls this out again as a key reason for selecting OpenDaylight.
Says Lerner, "In the Data Center, an open eco-system is emerging around the OpenDaylight consortium, as multiple vendors are building flagship offerings around it." The full report goes further to suggest that OpenDaylight has the potential to serve as an industry rallying point to promote multi-vendor interoperability and spur market innovation including work on a northbound API. An open ecosystem has long-term advantages for enterprise network designers with challenges with WANs and data center networks.
Just this week we wrote about our two-year birthday and the progress that we've made collectively as an industry and networking community. Gartner's endorsement of ODL as a Cool Vendor is another testament to the momentum and interest we continue to see for ODL and the open ecosystem. Thanks for being part of this change.
Full Report: Gartner Cool Vendors in Enterprise Networking (fee-based)
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