Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Suricata vs Snort: A Comprehensive Comparison and Review

When it comes to network intrusion detection systems (NIDS), choosing between Suricata and Snort is an ongoing discussion among cyber security professionals. These open-source tools both offer advanced features to monitor and safeguard networks from potential threats. In this article, we will provide an in-depth comparison of Suricata and Snort, evaluating their features, functionality, performance, scalability, ease of use, configuration, and community support.

By exploring the key distinctions and strengths of these two NIDS, you will gain the knowledge needed to make an informed decision about which tool best aligns with your specific needs and objectives. Whether you’re new to the cyber security field or an experienced professional seeking to expand your expertise, this article delivers valuable insights and practical guidance for implementing and managing Suricata or Snort within your network environment.

Now, let’s dive deep into the world of NIDS and take a critical look at Suricata vs Snort.

What Is a Network Intrusion Detection System?

A Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) is a security tool that monitors network traffic for malicious activity or policy violations, detecting and alerting administrators to potential threats. NIDS analyzes traffic and applies predefined rules to identify suspicious patterns or behaviors, helping to protect networks from intrusion attempts, malware, and other cyber threats.

These systems play a crucial role in safeguarding an organization’s network infrastructure, critical data, and resources against cyberattacks.

When deploying a NIDS, it’s positioning within the network is crucial for effective monitoring. Ideally, the NIDS should be placed at the network’s ingress and egress points, monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic. This allows the system to detect and alert on potential threats before they can infiltrate the network or exfiltrate sensitive data.

Additionally, placing NIDS devices at strategic points within the network can help detect lateral movement or insider threats, further enhancing the organization’s security posture.

NIDS employ a variety of methods to detect and alert on potential threats. Signature-based detection (SIDS) uses predefined patterns or signatures of known threats to identify malicious activity, while anomaly-based detection (AIDS) identifies deviations from normal network behavior, which may indicate an attack.

Furthermore, some NIDS solutions offer heuristic analysis, employing machine learning and artificial intelligence to predict and identify new threats based on their behavior.

What Are Suricata and Snort

Let’s take a high-level look at the two tools we’re comparing in this article before we delve into their unique attributes and functionalities.



Suricata is an open-source Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) developed by the Open Information Security Foundation (OISF). Suricata can be used as an intrusion prevention system (IPS), and Network Security Monitoring engine, though this depends largely on its deployment within your network. If it’s host-based or passive, it only operates as an IDS, whereas being deployed as an active in-line solution allows it to add IPS utility. It is known for its high-performance, multi-threaded architecture and a focus on providing advanced intrusion detection and prevention capabilities.

Suricata works by analyzing network traffic, applying predefined rules to identify malicious activity, and alerting administrators to potential threats. What sets Suricata apart from other NIDS is its multi-threaded architecture, which allows it to efficiently process multiple tasks simultaneously. This results in faster packet processing and higher performance compared to single-threaded systems.

Download Suricata

We highlighted Suricata in our article, 25 Top DevSecOps Tools (Ultimate Guide for 2023), including the many other tools that it can integrate with for a powerful defensive security setup.



Snort is a popular open-source Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS), created by Martin Roesch and maintained by Cisco Systems. Snort has been on the market for almost a decade longer and enjoys widespread compatibility with various devices, operating systems, and third-party tools. Its primary focus is on rule-based detection and protocol analysis.

Snort works by monitoring network traffic and applying predefined rules to detect malicious activity, generating alerts for administrators to take appropriate action. Snort’s strength lies in its extensive rule set, which can be customized to meet the specific security needs of an organization. This adaptability allows Snort to excel in various environments, providing tailored protection against a wide range of threats.

Features and Functionality

When comparing Suricata and Snort, it’s important to examine the key features that an IDS should have to determine their effectiveness and suitability for different environments. Here, we’ll dive into these core features for both tools, highlighting their similarities and differences.

Suricata in Elastic
Suricata on Elastic, from https://bit.ly/3Ih4K02
Snort in ELK
Snort with Elastic (ELK) from https://bit.ly/3IhtCVI

Packet Capturing

Both Suricata and Snort excel in packet capturing, allowing them to monitor and analyze network traffic for malicious activity. Suricata’s multi-threaded architecture provides an advantage in packet capturing, enabling it to process multiple tasks simultaneously and offering improved performance compared to Snort. Snort, on the other hand, relies on a single-threaded architecture, which may limit its packet-capturing performance in high-traffic environments.

Protocol Analysis

Suricata and Snort both provide comprehensive protocol analysis, enabling them to decode and analyze various network protocols to detect threats. While both systems offer extensive protocol support, Suricata has the added advantage of supporting X-Forwarded-For (XFF) data.

X-Forwarded-For (XFF)

The X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header, standardized in RFC 7239 as the “Forwarded HTTP Extension,” allows proxy servers to share information about the original client and other proxies in a chain.

Simply put, proxy servers sitting between the a host and the target (such as a website) will add this header to include not only their IP address but the address of the host that initially requested the information.

This can be important when troubleshooting issues or for security purposes when trying to determine who is trying to access the website. XFF can also be used with other network protocols, such as email.

Rule-Based Detection

Rule-based detection is a core feature of both Suricata and Snort, utilizing predefined rules to identify malicious activity within network traffic. Snort’s strength lies in its extensive rule set, which can be customized to meet specific security needs. Suricata also offers a robust rule set, with the added benefit of Suricata-Update, a tool for managing and updating rule sets more efficiently.

Multi-Threading Architecture

Suricata’s multi-threading architecture sets it apart from Snort in some aspects, enabling it to process multiple tasks concurrently and offering improved performance. Snort relies on a single-threaded architecture, which may limit its performance in high-traffic environments or when processing resource-intensive tasks.

Integration and Compatibility

While both Suricata and Snort offer integration with popular open-source tools, Snort has a more extensive history in the market and enjoys widespread compatibility with a variety of devices, operating systems, and third-party tools. Suricata, however, benefits from its integration with the ELK Stack, providing enhanced visualization and analysis of network traffic.


In summary, both Suricata and Snort offer robust features and functionality that make them effective IDS solutions. Suricata’s multi-threaded architecture, support for XFF data, and efficient rule management with Suricata-Update give it a competitive edge in certain aspects.

However, Snort’s extensive rule set, customization options, and broad compatibility make it a strong contender. The choice between Suricata and Snort ultimately depends on your specific needs, network environment, and performance requirements.

Suricata Snort
Multi-threaded architecture allows for efficient processing of multiple tasks simultaneously Single-threaded architecture
Suricata-Update for managing and updating rule sets Wider compatibility with devices, operating systems, and third-party tools due to its longer market presence
Advanced intrusion detection and prevention capabilities Focus on rule-based detection and protocol analysis
Better performance in high-traffic environments Better performance in environments with limited resources
Supports inline and passive modes Supports inline and passive modes

Performance and Scalability

The next comparison between Suricata and Snort will examine their performance and scalability to determine which NIDS suits different environments and resource constraints. Here, we’ll discuss the speed, memory usage, and accuracy of both Suricata and Snort.


Here Suricata’s multi-threaded architecture enables it to process multiple tasks concurrently, offering improved performance compared to Snort’s single-threaded architecture. This advantage allows Suricata to handle higher traffic volumes and provide faster packet processing, making it a more suitable choice for high-traffic environments.

Snort, on the other hand, can still deliver adequate performance in moderate traffic situations. However, its single-threaded architecture might limit its speed in high-traffic environments or when processing resource-intensive tasks.

Memory Usage

In terms of memory usage, Snort generally consumes fewer resources compared to Suricata. This makes Snort a better choice for environments with limited resources, such as low-power devices or networks with constrained hardware resources. Suricata, while typically requiring more memory, can still provide reasonably efficient performance due to its multi-threaded architecture, which allows it to handle large traffic volumes more effectively.


Both Suricata and Snort offer high levels of accuracy in detecting malicious activities within network traffic. They achieve this through comprehensive rule sets and protocol analysis capabilities. However, Suricata’s support for X-Forwarded-For (XFF) data and its ability to rapidly decrypt, analyze, then re-encrypt network data when placed behind a reverse proxy may provide a slight edge in detecting advanced threats.


In summary, Suricata’s multi-threaded architecture and efficient use of resources make it more scalable and suitable for high-traffic environments. However, Snort’s lower memory usage makes it a better choice for environments with limited resources. The choice between Suricata and Snort depends on an organization’s specific needs, network environment, and resource constraints.

Suricata Snort
Efficient resource usage allows for better handling of large traffic volumes Lower resource usage makes it suitable for environments with limited resources
Multi-threaded architecture provides improved performance Single-threaded architecture may have performance limitations in high-traffic environments
Scalable due to its efficient use of resources and traffic handling capabilities May be less scalable in comparison, especially in high-traffic environments

Ease of Use and Configuration

Next, we’ll consider the ease of use and configuration, as these factors can significantly impact the time and effort required to deploy and manage a NIDS solution. In this section, we’ll discuss the installation, setup, and rule management aspects of both Suricata and Snort, highlighting their differences and advantages.


Suricata and Snort can be installed relatively easily on various operating systems, including Kali Linux. However, Suricata’s installation process might be more streamlined, as it provides pre-built packages for different platforms, making it simpler to install and configure. Snort, while still straightforward to install, may require additional steps and dependencies to set up, particularly when integrating with third-party tools.


Setting up Suricata and Snort involves configuring their respective settings and rule sets. Suricata features a web interface and YAML-based configuration files, which can simplify the setup process for users with limited experience in network security. This user-friendly approach can make it easier to manage and maintain Suricata in various environments.

On the other hand, Snort’s configuration relies on text-based configuration files, which might require more manual intervention and a steeper learning curve for newcomers. However, Snort’s extensive documentation and active community support can help users overcome these challenges and effectively configure the system to meet their needs.

Rule Management

Rule management is a crucial aspect of any NIDS solution, as it determines the system’s ability to detect and prevent threats. Suricata and Snort both offer comprehensive rule sets, but they differ in how they manage and update these rules.

Suricata benefits from the Suricata-Update tool, which simplifies managing and updating rule sets. This feature allows users to easily maintain the latest threat detection capabilities, reducing the time and effort required to keep the system up to date.

Suricata-Update tool
Suricata-Update tool, from https://bit.ly/3IeTSji

In contrast, Snort relies on manual rule management, which might be more time-consuming and require more expertise. However, Snort’s specific rule sets for certain use cases, such as web application security, can provide better customization options for networks with unique security requirements. This flexibility can make Snort more suitable for organizations with specific threat detection needs.


Suricata offers a more user-friendly approach to installation, setup, and rule management, which can benefit users with limited experience or time constraints. Snort, while potentially more challenging to configure, provides greater customization options and is backed by extensive documentation and community support. Ultimately, the choice between Suricata and Snort will depend on an organization’s unique requirements, resources, and the level of expertise of its administrators.

Suricata Snort
No built-in web interface (Third-party available) No built-in web interface (Third-party available)
YAML-based configuration simplifies setup Traditional configuration methods
Suricata-Update for streamlined rule management Manual rule management and updates
Easier setup due to web interface and YAML configuration May require more customization and configuration efforts

Community and Support

Considering the level of community and support available for each NIDS is crucial for any open-source tool, as it can impact the ease of deployment, configuration, and ongoing maintenance. In this section, we’ll compare the documentation, forums, third-party integrations, and update frequency of Suricata and Snort.


Suricata and Snort have comprehensive and well-organized documentation, providing users with valuable resources to understand, configure, and troubleshoot their respective systems. Suricata’s documentation is frequently updated to reflect the latest features and enhancements, ensuring users can keep up with the rapidly evolving cyber security landscape.

Snort’s documentation, while also extensive, may require more time to navigate due to its long history and the variety of third-party integrations available. However, Snort’s documentation covers a wide range of topics, making it a valuable resource for users looking to customize and optimize their NIDS deployment.


Suricata and Snort both have active and engaged communities, with forums that provide a platform for users to ask questions, share knowledge, and collaborate on various topics related to their NIDS deployments. These forums are invaluable for users seeking assistance, guidance, or advice from experienced professionals and peers in the cyber security field.

Suricata forum
Suricata Forums, from https://bit.ly/3MyuPdS
Snort blog
Snort Blog, from https://blog.snort.org 

Third-party Integrations

Given Snort’s longer presence in the market, it has amassed a more extensive range of third-party integrations compared to Suricata. These integrations include various tools, platforms, and services that can enhance Snort’s capabilities and streamline its deployment and management.

Suricata, while still offering a growing list of third-party integrations, may not yet match Snort’s extensive ecosystem. However, Suricata’s active development and focus on compatibility with existing tools and platforms suggest that its range of third-party integrations will continue to expand over time.

Update Frequency

Suricata benefits from an active development community that frequently releases updates and enhancements to its features and capabilities. This commitment to continuous improvement ensures that Suricata users can stay ahead of evolving cyber security threats and take advantage of the latest innovations in intrusion detection and prevention.

Suricata releases major updates on average every 3 months.

Snort, while also receiving regular updates, may not have the same frequency of enhancements as Suricata due to its maturity and established position in the market. However, Snort’s updates still provide important security improvements and bug fixes, ensuring that the system remains effective and reliable.

Snort releases minor updates on average every 2-3 weeks.


Both Suricata and Snort offer strong community support, with extensive documentation, active forums, and a range of third-party integrations. Snort’s longer history provides a more extensive ecosystem of integrations, while Suricata benefits from frequent updates and enhancements due to its active development. Choosing between Suricata and Snort will depend on an organization’s specific needs, preferences, and the value they place on community support, documentation, and third-party integrations.

Suricata Snort
Active community support Active community support
Extensive documentation Extensive documentation
Active development, resulting in frequent updates and enhancements Wider range of third-party integrations due to its longer market presence
Open Information Security Foundation (OISF) as the main development organization Maintained by Cisco Systems


As with the other measurements, cost is an important factor to consider. Both tools are open-source, which means they are freely available. However, there can be additional costs associated with support, training, and other resources.

Cost Factor Suricata Snort
License Open-source Open-source
Support Options Community (Free) Community (Free)
Paid-Personal $30/yr-Professional starting at $300/yr
Training Resources Free
Paid (Starting around $2,000 from Suricata)
Third-party Tools Free
Paid (example: Elastic starting at $95/mo)
Paid (Talos Rules)-Personal $30/yr-Professional starting at $400/yr
Hardware Requirements Varies by Scale Varies by Scale


In conclusion, both Suricata and Snort are powerful network intrusion detection systems that provide robust protection for your network environment. While they share many similarities, they also have unique features, performance characteristics, and community support, making the choice between them dependent on your organization’s specific needs and resources.

How Is Suricata and Snort Different

Throughout this article, we have compared and contrasted the key aspects of Suricata and Snort, including features, functionality, performance, scalability, ease of use, configuration, community support, and cost. By understanding these factors, you can make an informed decision on the best NIDS for your organization.

Ultimately, the choice between Suricata and Snort will depend on your network’s unique requirements, available resources, and desired level of customization. Whichever tool you choose, you can be confident that you’re taking a proactive step towards enhancing your network’s security and safeguarding your organization from potential cyber threats. You can continue learning effective ways to protect your network by taking one of the courses below.


Is Suricata an IPS or IDS?

Suricata primarily functions as a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). However, it can also be configured as an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) by deploying it inline. In this mode, Suricata can actively block malicious traffic in addition to detecting and alerting on potential threats. This versatility makes Suricata suitable for various network security use cases, depending on the organization’s specific requirements.

Is Snort still relevant?

Yes, Snort remains relevant in the cyber security landscape. Despite the emergence of newer tools like Suricata, Snort’s long-standing presence in the market has established its compatibility with a wide range of devices, operating systems, and third-party tools. Snort’s rule-based detection and protocol analysis continues to provide effective network security. Its extensive community support ensures that the software stays up-to-date and responsive to evolving threats.

Does Suricata have GUI?

Not organically to the software. However, Suricata offers a graphical user interface (GUI) through various web-based management tools. One popular option is the SELKS distribution, which includes Suricata and other security tools, along with a pre-configured Kibana dashboard for visualization and management. Using these web-based tools, administrators can easily manage Suricata’s configuration and monitor network activity in a user-friendly environment.

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