Thursday, August 10, 2023

The Top 10 Nmap Scripts to Unlock Network Security

Nmap scripts are a powerful tool in your toolkit. They offer a wide range of functionalities, from network discovery to vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. In this article, we'll dive deep into the top 10 Nmap scripts that every cyber security professional should know.

We'll cover scripts that help you enumerate directories on web servers, identify the operating system of remote hosts, perform DNS brute force enumeration, and much more. Each script will be explained in detail, including its command, what it does, what you can expect to find, and why it's useful. We'll also provide example usage for each script to help you understand how to use them in real-world scenarios.

So, whether you're a newcomer to cyber security or a seasoned professional, this article is a valuable reference to enhance your understanding and usage of Nmap scripts. Let's get started!

What Are Nmap Scipts?

Nmap, short for Network Mapper, is a versatile and powerful tool used for network discovery and security auditing. One of the key features of Nmap is its Scripting Engine, or NSE, which extends the capabilities of Nmap beyond basic network scanning.

The Nmap Scripting Engine allows you to select from a broad range of scripts to automate a wide variety of networking tasks. These scripts can be used for network discovery, sophisticated version detection, vulnerability detection, backdoor detection, and even vulnerability exploitation.

Scripts in Nmap are categorized based on their functionality. For instance, some scripts are designed for version detection, while others are designed for vulnerability detection or exploitation. This categorization makes it easier for you to select the appropriate scripts for your specific needs.

The syntax for using Nmap scripts is straightforward. The basic command structure is nmap --script [script-name] [target]. The --script flag tells Nmap to run the specified script against the target. The target can be a single IP address, a range of IP addresses, or a domain name.

Now that we have a basic understanding of what Nmap scripts are, let's dive into the top 10 Nmap scripts that every cyber security professional should know.

Nmap Command Generator

Say goodbye to the hassle of trying to remember the exact syntax for your Nmap commands! With our Nmap Command Generator, you can simply say what you need Nmap to do, and we will generate the command for you.

Top 10 Nmap Scripts

Top 10 Nmap Scripts

Top 10 Commands


Command: nmap [port] --script=http-enum [target]

The http-enum script is used to enumerate directories, files, and other details from web servers. It sends requests to the target server and analyzes the responses to identify potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. This script is particularly useful when assessing the security of web applications.

Example Usage: nmap --script=http-enum


This command will run the http-enum script against the domain, attempting to enumerate directories and files on the web server.


Command: nmap --script smb-os-discovery.nse [target]

The smb-os-discovery script is a valuable tool in your pentesting arsenal. It uses the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol to identify the operating system of remote hosts. This information is crucial as it allows you to tailor your approach based on the specific vulnerabilities of the detected operating system.

Example Usage: nmap --script smb-os-discovery.nse

Host Script Result Github
Image from Nmap GitHub.

This command instructs Nmap to run the smb-os-discovery script against the target IP address The script will attempt to reveal the operating system and other key details about the server.


Command: nmap --script=dns-brute [target]

The dns-brute script is a reconnaissance tool that performs DNS brute force enumeration. It attempts to discover subdomains and hostnames associated with a target domain. This can be helpful in identifying potential entry points into a network or system.

Example Usage: nmap --script=dns-brute


This command instructs Nmap to run the dns-brute script against the domain. The script will attempt to uncover subdomains and hostnames, providing a more comprehensive view of the target's DNS infrastructure.


Command: nmap --script dns-zone-transfer.nse [args] [target]

The dns-zone-transfer script is designed to attempt a DNS zone transfer with the target domain's DNS servers. A successful zone transfer can reveal a treasure trove of information about the target domain's DNS infrastructure, including hostnames, IP addresses, and other DNS records.

Example Usage: nmap --script dns-zone-transfer.nse --script-args

Image from Nmap GitHub

In this command, we're instructing Nmap to run the dns-zone-transfer script against the domain. The script will attempt to perform a DNS zone transfer, which could reveal valuable information if the DNS servers are misconfigured to allow such transfers.


Command: nmap --script=ftp-anon [target]

The ftp-anon script is a handy tool for identifying misconfigured FTP servers. It checks if anonymous FTP login is enabled, which could allow unauthorized access to the server's files and directories.

Example Usage: nmap --script=ftp-anon

Image from Nmap GitHub

In this command, we're instructing Nmap to run the ftp-anon script against the target IP address The script will attempt to log in to the FTP server anonymously, revealing whether such access is possible.


Command: nmap --script=smtp-enum-users [args] [target]

The smtp-enum-users script is a reconnaissance tool that enumerates email addresses of users on SMTP servers. This can be useful for gathering information about a target's email system, which can be valuable for further analysis or potential exploitation.

Example Usage: nmap --script=smtp-enum-users --script-args

Smtp enum users
Image from Nmap GitHub

In this command, we're instructing Nmap to run the smtp-enum-users script against the domain. The script will attempt to enumerate email addresses, providing a list of potential targets for further investigation or phishing attempts.


Command: nmap --script=vulners [args] [target]

The vulners category in Nmap includes multiple scripts that are designed to detect specific vulnerabilities in target systems. These scripts are invaluable for vulnerability assessment and penetration testing, as they can help identify potential weaknesses that could be exploited.

Example Usage: nmap --script=vulners --script-args mincvss=5.0

Image from Nmap GitHub

In this command, we're instructing Nmap to run all scripts within the vulners category against the domain. The scripts will attempt to identify known vulnerabilities, providing a detailed report of potential security issues.


Command: nmap --script=snmp-brute [target]

The snmp-brute script is a powerful tool for identifying weak community strings or credentials in SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) services. It performs brute force authentication attacks, which can reveal vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

Example Usage: nmap --script=snmp-brute

Snmp brute
Image from Nmap GitHub.

In this command, we're instructing Nmap to run the snmp-brute script against the target IP address The script will attempt to perform a brute force authentication attack, potentially revealing weak community strings or credentials.


Command: nmap --script=http-vuln-* [target]

The http-vuln- scripts are a set of scripts that detect specific vulnerabilities in web applications and web servers. They can identify common vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more, making them invaluable tools for web application security assessments. You can run the script against a vulnerability by specifying it in the script such --script http-vuln-cve2017-8917, or use the wildcard symbol * to check against all.

Example Usage: nmap --script=http-vuln-cve2017-8917

Image from Nmap GitHub

In this command, we're instructing Nmap to run all scripts within the http-vuln- category against the domain. The scripts will attempt to identify known web vulnerabilities, providing a detailed report of potential security issues.


Command: nmap --script=smb-enum-shares [target]

The smb-enum-shares script is a reconnaissance tool that enumerates shares available on SMB (Server Message Block) services. It helps in discovering accessible file shares and understanding the file-sharing configurations of target systems.

Example Usage: nmap --script=smb-enum-shares

Image from Nmap GitHub

In this command, we're instructing Nmap to run the smb-enum-shares script against the target IP address The script will attempt to enumerate file shares, providing a list of potential access points into the system.


As we've explored in this article, Nmap scripts are an essential part of your toolkit. They offer a wide range of functionalities, from network discovery to vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. By mastering these top 10 Nmap scripts, you can enhance your ability to identify and exploit vulnerabilities, making you a more effective and versatile cyber security professional.

Learning how to fully employ your tools in cyber security is a continuous effort. The field is dynamic, with new vulnerabilities and threats emerging all the time. To stay ahead of the curve, consider taking the following three courses to further enhance your network recon or enumeration skills:

from StationX

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