Friday, September 22, 2023

pfSense Takes Home 42 Awards in the G2 Fall 2023 Report

pfSense® software from Netgate® received 42 awards in the G2 Fall 2023 report in several categories, including new regional awards in EMEA, Asia Pacific, and the Americas. The list included Enterprise, Mid-Market, and Small Business awards in categories such as Best Estimated ROI, Best Relationship, Best Usability, Most Implementable, and Users Most Likely to Recommend, for both the Firewall Software and Business VPN groups.


These G2 awards are based on reviews by real users. The number of awards we have received is an important sign that we continue to provide valuable network security solutions. Placing first in so many of these categories provides further validation that our work is important and appreciated. We are honored to receive these awards and grateful to our customers for your support. We continue to strive for excellence in all we do, and we look forward to providing even more high-performance and affordable firewall, VPN, and routing solutions in the future. Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way – we couldn't have done it without you!

Top pfSense Software Awards

   #1 EMEA Regional Grid® Report for Business VPN
   #1 Asia Pacific Regional Grid® Report for Business VPN
   #1 Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid® Report for Business VPN
   #1 Small-Business Americas Regional Grid® Report for Business VPN
   #1 Europe Regional Grid® Report for Business VPN 
   #1 Momentum Grid® Report for Firewall Software
   #1 Small-Business Usability Index for Firewall Software
   #1 Mid-Market Results Index for Business VPN
   #1 Small-Business Results Index for Business VPN
   #1 Results Index for Business VPN Overall
   #1 Small-Business Results Index for Firewall Software
   #1 Results Index for Firewall Software Overall
   #1 Small-Business Relationship Index for Business VPN
   #1 Relationship Index for Business VPN Overall
   #1 Enterprise Relationship Index for Firewall Software
   #1 Small-Business Relationship Index for Firewall Software
   #1 Relationship Index for Firewall Software
   #1 Small-Business Implementation Index for Business VPN
   #1 Implementation Index for Business VPN
   #1 Enterprise Implementation Index for Firewall Software
   #1 Small-Business Implementation Index for Firewall Software
   #1 Implementation Index for Firewall Software
   #1 Small-Business Grid® Report for Business VPN
   #1 Small-Business Grid® Report for Firewall Software

Other Notable pfSense Software Awards
   #3 Usability Index for Firewall Software Overall
   #3 Grid® Report for Firewall Software Overall
   #2 Grid® Report for Business VPN Overall
   #3 Enterprise Grid® Report for Business VPN Overall

More on pfSense Software
The world’s leading open-source-driven firewall, router, and VPN solution for network edge and cloud secure networking, pfSense Plus software is the world’s most trusted firewall. The software has garnered the respect and adoration of users worldwide - installed well over seven million times. pfSense software is made possible by open-source technology and made into a robust, reliable, dependable product by Netgate. 

Get pfSense Today

More About Us
Netgate is constantly striving to provide leading-edge network security at a fair price. We are the primary developer and maintainer of pfSense software, an open-source firewall, VPN, and router platform, and TNSR®, a high-performance software router based on’s Vector Packet Processing (VPP), of which we are a leading contributor. We also fund additional open source work that we upstream to projects like FreeBSD, the Linux Foundation, Clixon, and others. Please contact us with any questions about using pfSense software to solve your small business, mid-market, or enterprise needs.

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