Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Setup MinIO S3 Object Storage on TrueNAS


MinIO is an open-source software that delivers high-performance Object Storage capabilities, Amazon S3 compatible, making it an excellent target for storing backups.

When combined with TrueNAS Scale software, you can configure a robust backup solution that leverages MinIO’s Object Storage capabilities as a Backup Repository to safeguard your backup data.

MinIO Object Storage support the Object Lock function to make your backups immutable.


To complete the installation of the MinIO Object Storage, you need to have a working TrueNAS Scale deployment available in your network.

Create a new Dataset in TrueNAS

Using your preferred browser, connect to your TrueNAS Scale deployment and type the credentials to login. Click Log In.

Create a new Dataset in TrueNAS


Got to Datasets area and select an existing Pool. Create a new one if no Pools are configured in your TrueNAS configuration.

Got to Datasets area and select an existing Pool


Click on Add Dataset button.

Details for Pool01 | Add Dataset


Enter a Name for the new Dataset (MinIO for example) and click Save.

Enter a Name for the new Dataset (MinIO for example) and click Save.


The just create new Dataset.

The just create new Dataset.


Install MinIO Object Storage on TrueNAS

After creating a new Dataset, go to Apps area and click Check Available Apps.

After creating a new Dataset, go to Apps area and click Check Available Apps.


In the search bar, enter minio to filter applications. Click the MinIO application widget.

In the search bar, enter minio to filter applications. Click the MinIO application widget.


To start the installation of MinIO, click Setup Pool To Install.

To start the installation of MinIO, click Setup Pool To Install.


Select the Pool for the MinIO and click Choose.

Select the Pool for the MinIO and click Choose.


The application is being configured.

The application is being configured.


Enable Confirm option and click Agree.

Enable Confirm option and click Agree.


Specify the Application Name (minio for example) then enter the MinIO Root User (admin for example) and the MinIO Root Password.

Application | Discover | minio


Scroll down and take note of the User ID (473 in the example) and the API Port displayed in the corresponding sections.

User ID (473 in the example) and the API Port


As Certificate, you can use the self-signed certificate available in the application. From the Certificate drop-down menu select the value ‘truenas_default’ Certificate.

From the Certificate drop-down menu select the value 'truenas_default' Certificate.-img


Under Storage Configuration, select Host Path (Path that already exists on the system) value from the Type drop-down menu. As Host Path, select the Dataset previously created (MinIO).

Storage Configuration, select Host Path


Now enable option Enable ACL.

Now enable option Enable ACL.


Click Add to add ACL Entries. Specify the ID previously noted (473) and give FULL_CONTROL Access as Access permissions. Enable Force Flag as ACL Options.

Click Add to add ACL Entries


Scroll down till the end and click Install to proceed with MinIO installation.

Scroll down till the end and click Install


The application is being installed on TrueNAS.

The application is being installed on TrueNAS.


In the Applications area you can follow the installation status.

In the Applications area you can follow the installation status.


After few seconds, the installation is reported as Running. The installation has been completed successfully.

After few seconds, the installation is reported as Running.


Access MiNIO dashboard

Using your preferred browser, enter the address https://<TrueNAS_IP>:9002. Enter the credentials previously created and click Login.

Enter the credentials previously created and click Login.


Create a Bucket

After completing the login, the main dashboard is displayed. Click Create a Bucket to create the first bucket in your system.

After completing the login, the main dashboard is displayed


Enter the Bucket Name and enable both Versioning and Object Locking to make backup data immutable. Click Create Bucket.

Enter the Bucket Name and enable both Versioning and Object Locking


The created Bucket.

The created Bucket.


Create the Access Keys

To access the created Bucket from your backup software, you need to create the Access Key.

Go to Access Keys area and click Create access key button.

Go to Access Keys area and click Create access key button


A pair of Access Key and Secret Key are generated by MinIO. Click Create to save the keys.

Access Key and Secret Key are generated by MinIO


Write down both Access Key and Secret Key or alternatively click Download for import to download the file with the keys. Close the window.

Access Key and Secret Key or alternatively click Download for import to download the file with the keys


The created Access Key.

The created Access Key.


Configure the Backup Repository

Once the Bucket is created in MinIO, it can be configured as Target Repository in your backup solution (for example Veeam, Nakivo, HornetSecurity, Vembu, etc.).

In your backup software solution, enter the Service point with the format https://<TrueNAS_IP_address>:9000 and the Credentials using the previously generated Access and Secret Keys.

New object Storage Repository


You are now able to access the Bucket previously created (backup in the example) in MinIO.

access the Bucket

MinIO and TrueNAS are both open-source software and can be downloaded free of charge.


from StarWind Blog https://ift.tt/pqQk3bH

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