Monday, February 3, 2014

Basho Events in February [feedly]

Basho Events in February
// Basho Technologies

February 3, 2014

2014 is an exciting year for Basho and, as usual, we are traveling the world to let you know what we're up to. Here's a look at where we'll be this February.

LA Ruby Conf 2014: Basho is a proud sponsor and we will be in LA to chat Riak and answer any questions you may have. LA Ruby Conf takes place February 6-8.

New York Meetup: On February 10th, Basho Technical Evangelist, Hector Castro, will present on "Supporting Riak and Riak CS Deployments with Chef" at DigitalOcean. He will explore the history of maintaining the Riak/Riak CS cookbooks and discuss how people are using them. He will also discuss how Basho is planning to revamp the cookbooks to take advantage of features coming in Riak 2.0.

O'Reilly Strata: Basho is a proud sponsor of O'Reilly Strata in Santa Clara (February 11-13). Be sure to stop by our booth to learn more about Riak and grab some swag.

Big Ruby Conf: Basho Technical Evangelist, Hector Castro, will be presenting "Throw Some Keys On It: Data Modeling for Key/Value Data Stores by Example" on February 21st. Big Ruby Conf takes place in Dallas, TX from February 20-21.

Code PaLOUsa: Code PaLOUsa takes place in Louisville, KY from February 24-26. On February 24th at 9am, we will be hosting a Riak workshop. In addition, Alex Moore (Basho Client Services Engineer) will speak on "Scaling Your Data Safely for Fun and Profit with Riak," Sean Cribbs (Basho Software Engineer) will speak on "In Search of the Software Ursatz," and John Daily (Basho Technical Evangelist) will speak on "Erlang, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let Things Fail."

Open Source Conference: Open Source Conference takes place from February 28-March 1 in Tokyo, Japan. Kaz Suzuki from Basho will be presenting an introduction to Riak and Riak CS. He will also be demoing Riak CS at the Basho booth.

For a full list of where we'll be, check out the Events Page.


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