Monday, February 3, 2014

Ceph Developer Summit: Giant [feedly]

Ceph Developer Summit: Giant
// Ceph

The "Giant" Ceph Developer Summit looms….giantly… on the horizon. If you don't already have an account on the wiki please bear with us as we work through a few kinks of account creation that have cropped up with an upgraded plugin (it couldn't come at a worse time!). Creating an account will send you to and ask for Google credentials. Once you enter them and select a username for the forum it may dump you to the old wiki at instead of redirecting you back to If that happens please just head back to by hand and it should let you in the door. If you have issues please send them to Scuttlemonkey.

Now, on with the summit details!

Date Milestone
03 FEB Blueprint submissions begin
21 FEB Blueprint submissions end
24 FEB Summit agenda announced
04 MAR Ceph Developer Summit: Day 1
05 MAR Ceph Developer Summit: Day 2
June 2014 Giant Release

If you are interested in submitting a blueprint, collaborating on an existing blueprint, or just attending to learn more about Ceph, read on!


Submit Blueprint

Planned Work

As usual, Inktank has a body of work already planned. These features include expanded Ceph portability, an expanded plugin architecture, increased troubleshooting capability, and performance and stability work. In addition to feature work on existing modules, there is also planning underway to release the first CephFS tech preview in coordination with partners and the community. It should be an exciting release!

If you have an idea for implementation work in Giant, even if you are going to build it entirely on your own, please submit a blueprint so we know what to expect. Having a clear picture of the runway, especially as it relates to what testing requirements might be needed, is a huge help to our reviewers. If you are looking to get involved and would like inspiration, feel free to check out the Ceph Tracker, contact our Community Team, or just stop by IRC for a chat, we'd love to have you!

The Summit

This summit will be run very similarly to other summits, in that it is both online and spread over two half days. We plan on continuing to use Google Hangouts as our video platform due to portability and ease of conversion to YouTube videos after the event has concluded. The connection info will be disseminated as the event gets closer, so watch for details.

As before, the underlying purpose of the summit will be to discuss how features should be implemented (rather than which features should be implemented). Once blueprint submission closes, Sage will review all available documents and decide which are the most relevant features that need to be discussed. Simple stand-alone projects probably don't need a discussion, but please still create the blueprint.

If you have questions, comments, or anything for the good of the cause, feel free to hit up our community team. Looking forward to your blueprints and your bright, smiling faces at the Developer Summit.

scuttlemonkey out

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Sent from my iPad

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