Wednesday, May 31, 2023

What Is Microsoft Security Copilot? A Comprehensive Guide

Microsoft Security Copilot is an all-in-one virtual assistant that uses the power of AI to augment your workflow.

You have likely noticed an AI takeover has been happening in 2023, and the cyber security industry is not immune. Security Copilot is a new cloud-based service AI tool to help you enhance the security of your Microsoft cloud environment.

Will this new offering revolutionize cyber security as we know it today?

This comprehensive Microsoft Security Copilot guide answers this question and how to harness this new AI tool. It uses practical examples to explore how Security Copilot intends to shake up traditional approaches across various cyber security fields. Then you can judge how it stacks up against current offerings.

Let’s discover how we can use Security Copilot and the power of AI!

What Is Microsoft Security Copilot?

Security Copilot Augments a Security Analyst’s Workflow

Security Copilot combines the power of OpenAI’s GPT-4 generative AI advanced large language model (LLM) with a security specific model developed by Microsoft. This allows a Security Operations Centre (SOC)  analyst to prompt Security Copilot like you would prompt ChatGPT. You ask a question, and the tool returns an AI-generated response that answers the security related inquiry.

“Microsoft Security Copilot is an AI-powered security analysis tool that enables analysts to respond to threats quickly, process signals at machine speed, and assess risk exposure in minutes.” – Microsoft

Security Copilot Has Been Created for SOC Analysts

SOC analysts are the skilled security professionals responsible for monitoring, detecting, and responding to cyber security incidents and threats. They continuously monitor an organization’s network, systems, and applications to identify malicious activity and use various security tools and technologies.

Security Copilot Is Another Tool for You to Add to Your Arsenal 

Microsoft claims Security Copilot allows you to augment your workflow by leveraging the power of AI in a cyber security-specific context. The tool can be applied to a broad range of key activities and responsibilities the SOC performs, from monitoring and detection to compliance and vulnerability management.

Microsoft claims Security Copilot can do the following:

Streamline investigation with expert guidance: Security Copilot provides direct access to Microsoft’s security experts, who can guide and assist in managing security risks.
Catching what analysts may miss: Security Copilot augments the triage process so that you see cyber threats early and gives you predictive guidance on how to stop a threat actor’s next move.
Improving the quality of detections through proactive monitoring and feedback: Security Copilot proactively monitors your cloud environment. With every new detection, its model is updated, and it becomes better at recognizing when a real threat is present.
Providing rapid incident response support: The tool can assess your entire cloud environment and predict the systems an attacker will likely target so you can quickly contain and remove an adversary from your environment.
Enhance your securing posture through continuous risk assessments: Security Copilot continually assesses your cloud environment and provides unique recommendations for addressing potential risks using security best practices.
Compliance assistance: Security Copilot can conduct regular compliance audits of your cloud environment and provide recommendations about how to meet compliance standards.
A focus on addressing the cyber security talent gap: It is estimated that 3.4 million jobs need to be filled by skilled security professionals. Microsoft claims that Security Copilot can fill some (if not all) of these vacancies by helping your current security teams augment their workflow and have the most impact.
Strong integration across Microsoft’s security solutions: According to Microsoft, the power of Security Copilot comes from its strong integration with Microsoft’s security products. This includes Azure Security Center, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Cloud App Security, Microsoft Sentinel, Microsoft Identity and Access Management (IAM) Solutions, Microsoft Intune, and third-party products.
Using AI responsibly: Microsoft claims to be committed to using responsible AI practices to extend security analysts’ capabilities while innovating AI to foster a positive impact. Security Copilot uses a closed loop learning system, so the corporate data in your environment will remain in your control and will not be used to train Security Copilot or enrich foundation AI models.

How Can You Get Your Hands on Microsoft Security Copilot?

Security Coilot is currently in preview and available only for select customers. You can sign up for Microsoft’s Security updates to hear about product announcements. However, at this time, there is no public release date.

How Can Microsoft Security Copilot be Used?

The power of Microsoft Security Copilot can extend across a broad spectrum of cyber security fields, from reporting to compliance monitoring. You can use the tool to help augment your workflow in any of the following disciplines:

incident response

Incident Response

You can use Security Copilot when responding to incidents through a variety of actions:

  • Incident triage and assessment: Security Copilot can quickly evaluate an incident and guide your initial response steps.
  • Incident containment and mitigation: Security Copilot’s view into your entire cloud environment provides insight into how to contain a security incident and mitigate any further damage. For instance, what systems to isolate, what temporary security measures or controls to implement, and what patches must be deployed immediately.
  • Forensic analysis and investigation: Security Copilot can quickly analyze malicious files or commands and identify Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) that you can search for in your environment to identify affected machines.
  • Remediation and recovery: Security Copilot can assist in developing a remediation plan to restore affected systems and apply necessary security controls and patches to ensure the incident does not reoccur.

Without AI, these use cases would consume valuable person-hours, resulting in a less efficient response. Augmenting response with Security Copilot helps you find answers faster and limit the potential damage an ongoing attack could cause.

threat intelligence

Threat Intelligence

Security Copilot can use Microsoft’s global threat intelligence feed that ingests 65 trillion signals daily and includes the latest cyber threats affecting organizations worldwide. Security Copilot can use this feed, and other third-party intelligence feeds, to automatically identify IOCs in your environment and provide context to security alerts or aid in incident investigation.

Aside from IOCs, Security Copilot can provide analysis and reporting services to help you visualize the threat intelligence your organization is ingesting. The tool can analyze the intelligence, identify relevant patterns, and provide actionable insights to mitigate potential risks.

threat hunting

Threat Hunting

Threat hunting always starts with developing a hypothesis that states what the hunt will search for in your environment. According to Microsoft, Security Copilot can assist with creating a hunting hypothesis by providing security insights on the proven tactics/techniques/procedures (TTPs) threat actors are using and identifying potential threat scenarios.

You can then use these security insights to craft a custom hunting query with the help of Security Copilot and its integration with Microsoft’s Advanced Hunting feature in Defender for Endpoint and Sentinel. These queries can carry out your threat hunt by searching attack data, such as known IOCs, suspicious activities, or patterns associated with emerging cyber threats.

Compliance Monitoring

Compliance Monitoring

Many businesses must comply with industry standards to protect corporate data and meet regulatory requirements. To manually audit your organization and ensure each condition is satisfied can be tedious. Microsoft claims Security Copilot can assist with this in several ways:

  • Compliance policy assessment: Security Copilot can help you assess your organization’s compliance with industry standards, regulatory requirements, and internal policies by evaluating the security controls across your environment.
  • Automated compliance reporting and dashboards: Instead of manually creating reports or dashboards to monitor your compliance, Security Copilot can automatically generate these dashboards for you. This helps you easily track your progress toward compliance goals and demonstrate this to auditors.
  • Compliance audits and remediation guidance: Security Copilot can perform comprehensive compliance audits at machine speed. Suppose you need to improve a particular area. The tool can generate remediation steps to get you up to regulatory standards. This can save you time from manual auditing and finding remediation guidance from auditors.
  • Continuous monitoring of regulatory updates: As standards are updated and governing bodies change their regulatory requirements, you must stay informed and vigilant in ensuring your IT environment is compliant. Security Copilot can automatically keep you up-to-date with regulatory changes and guide how these changes may impact your compliance requirements.
Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Management

Managing vulnerabilities is a never-ending battle, with new ones emerging daily. This can get overwhelming in large IT environments that deploy various software. According to Microsoft, Security Copilot can help you stay on top of this task with its visibility of your entire cloud environment.

Security Copilot can pull real-time security data from all your endpoint devices and servers to determine software versions and match this against known vulnerabilities gathered from threat intelligence feeds. If an endpoint or server is vulnerable, it can generate remediation steps for you to mitigate associate risks or even be configured to update the vulnerable software automatically.

This capability of automatically alerting you to vulnerabilities in your environment is nothing new. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint already does this. However, using AI to generate remediation steps, automatically perform complex risk mitigation activities, or patch software without user interaction are new capabilities that significantly speed up managing vulnerabilities and improving your organization’s security.

Detection Engineering

Detection Engineering

Microsoft Security Copilot is designed to learn from past incidents to generate more accurate responses in the future. Learning is done through user feedback and the analysis of big data. This means that the detections it implements will be less noisy (reduced false positives), and you will be able to focus on real incidents that require your attention. The longer Security Copilot runs, the smarter it gets.

You can also use Security Copilot to generate detection rules for you. For instance, you can ask it to create a detection that triggers when a specific new vulnerability is exploited. This saves you the time and effort of manually researching the vulnerability and writing the rule, ensuring your environment is protected much faster.

Microsoft Security Copilot in Practice

Let’s look at Security Copilot in action by reviewing common real world security incidents you will likely encounter when working in a SOC.

Scenario 1 – Reverse engineering a Malicious Payload

The Scenario

Adversaries often use malicious payloads within PowerShell scripts to attack machines in your environment. As a SOC analyst, you will encounter a malicious payload in a PowerShell script that you must decode to find IOCs to hunt for in your environment.

Without Security Copilot

This requires you to work through the script line-by-line and use third-party tools to decode and deobfuscate the PowerShell code to find IOCs to hunt for. A tedious process that can be time-consuming that requires in-depth knowledge of PowerShell.

Using Security Copilot

Security Copilot can automatically decode the script and extract the relevant IOCs for you to hunt for. You only need to copy and paste the script into the prompt, and the tool will do the rest of the work for you. This saves you time and lowers the bar regarding the required knowledge.

Microsoft showcased the capabilities of Security Copilot in a live demonstration where it was used to reverse engineer a malicious payload. Check out the demo below to see Copilot in action.

Scenario 2 – Incident Response

The Scenario

Responding to incidents needs to be efficient. To do this, you must perform initial triage on alerts to determine which ones you must prioritize and respond to. As a SOC analyst, you will often see an alert you need to summarize to prioritize (or deprioritize) the alert quickly.

Without Security Copilot

This process requires navigating to the alert using your organization’s security solution (e.g., in the SIEM). Then you would have to try to gather all the relevant security data associated with this alert (e.g., affected systems, processes involved, users involved, the execution tree, etc.). Once you have all this, you need to piece it together to summarize the alert, and only then can you decide the priority of the alert.

Using Security Copilot

Security Copilot can quickly analyze an alert and provide a summary of an alert’s relevant details:

Microsoft Security Copilot Analysing and Summarizing an Alert
From Introducing Microsoft Security Copilot

Security Copilot can retrieve and analyze an alert through its integration with Microsoft Sentinel (a SIEM). This alert was raised in Sentinel and is related to “OneNote initial access,” likely a phishing email that has used a malicious OneNote attachment or link. The tool can use its AI model to summarize what happened and highlight key details. It also generates a graphical view of the incident.

Summary of an Incident Using Microsoft Security Copilot
From Introducing Microsoft Security Copilot

You can quickly read over this summary and use the graph to understand this alert. Then you can use your domain knowledge to determine the priority of this alert. Security Copilot provides useful suggestions about potential next steps if you choose to investigate further. In this incident, you can investigate the malicious file’s impact on the affected system or pivot to Sentinel (Microsoft’s SIEM solution) and get a general incident analysis.

This quick analysis allows you to triage alerts more efficiently, and the suggestions provided by Security Copilot, after an initial summary, will enable you to pivot into a full investigation and potential remediation effortlessly.

Scenario 3 – Threat Hunting

The Scenario

Threat hunting is a key part of any SOC. When you come across an IOC from a threat intelligence feed, you must search for it in your environment to determine if other systems have been affected.

Without Security Copilot

To perform a threat hunt using an IOC, you first need to find the IOC from a threat intelligence feed. Then you need to craft a query to search for the IOC in your environment. If you use a Microsoft tool, this would be done using an Advanced Hunting query, requiring in-depth knowledge of KQL (Microsoft’s query language for its security products).

Researching the query to write and then writing the query would require time and effort, potentially giving the attacker time to spread in your environment and compromise other machines. This time is compounded if you need to perform multiple threat hunts.

Using Security Copilot

Security Copilot allows you to summarize an alert and extract relevant IOCs quickly. You pivot from a summary of an alert into a threat hunt by asking Security Copilot if an IOC has been seen anywhere else in your environment. For example, has a certain file been seen anywhere else in your environment:

Summarizing Where a Malicious OneNote Link has Been Seen
From Introducing Microsoft Security Copilot

Here Security Copilot has identified that a file was sent in an email from one user to another in your environment. You can then perform another threat hunt from within Security Copilot to investigate if this email has gone to other users in your environment, as they may also be compromised. This is done by selecting “Email: Look for presence”:

Pivoting into a Threat Hunt Using Microsoft Security Copilot
From Introducing Microsoft Security Copilot

The suggestion provided by Security Copilot lets you scan for emails that contain the compromised file and see who sent/received the file to find out if more users have been affected. It also initiates a threat hunt to investigate if there have been any suspicious logins related to the user who sent the email. This helps in determining if their account has been compromised.

Here you see the email chain with the potentially compromised user sending the email with the malicious link to two other users in the organization:

Finding out who a Malicious Link has Been Sent to
From Introducing Microsoft Security Copilot

You discover that there have indeed been suspicious login attempts for the potentially compromised account that sent the malicious link. This confirms your suspicion that the account has been compromised and concludes your threat hunt:

Finding Suspicious Login Attempts for a User Account
From Introducing Microsoft Security Copilot

In this scenario, Security Copilot could seamlessly perform multiple threat hunts from an initial alert about a compromised account and device. This integration with Defender for Endpoint allowed you to quickly investigate the alert and discover if other users or devices were affected.

Scenario 4 – Securing Reporting

The Scenario

When working as a SOC analyst, you often need to provide reports on major incidents that you come across. This report must provide a high-level overview of an incident so your manager can use it to identify patterns or trends in the cyber attacks affecting your organization.

Without Security Copilot

Creating such reports can be tedious. You need to investigate an alert, summarize the attack data, and present it in an easily digestible format to your manager (e.g., in a PDF or PowerPoint). This process involves using multiple technologies and copying and pasting data in various locations.

Using Security Copilot

Security Copilot makes security reporting incredibly simple with its integration with Microsoft tools. You can use Security Copilot to provide an analysis of an alert, as we did previously, and then ask it to generate a PowerPoint slide that outlines this analysis:

Summarizing an Alert and Creating a PowerPoint Slide with Security Copilot
From Introducing Microsoft Security Copilot

Once Security Copilot creates this slide, you can add it to your organization’s reporting slide deck and present your findings to your manager:

Downloading PowerPoint Slide from Microsoft Security Copilot
From Introducing Microsoft Security Copilot

This transforms security reporting from a tedious process to a painless one. You will appreciate the easy creation, and your manager will appreciate the timeliness of your reports!


Microsoft Security Copilot will revolutionize various SOC tasks, but will it replace SOC analysts working today?

This seems unlikely in the immediate future. Security Copilot helps augment your workflow and accelerates incident investigation. It draws on the power of AI to provide you with various solutions to security problems. Still, its power comes from your prompt, guided by your domain knowledge. To use Security Copilot effectively, you need to know the right questions.

Microsoft admits in its demonstration of Security Copilot that it is still prone to error (in the demonstration, it lists Windows 9 as a legitimate operating system) and that it takes a skilled security analyst with human ingenuity to operate the tool.

That said, skilled security professionals must fill an estimated 3.4 million jobs. Security Copilot will likely fill some of this talent gap. It can augment work and allows businesses to scale their security programs fast with a relatively small team.

Like other cloud technologies, Security Copilot can speed up operations, requires fewer people to set up and maintain systems, and allows businesses to scale easily. This may mean that SOC analysts working today will need to learn new skills to align with Security Copilot like network engineers were required to with the advent of cloud computing.

Microsoft Security Copilot is just the start of the AI revolution for cyber security.

If you would like to learn more about the topics discussed in this article, be sure to check out these resources:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Microsoft Security Copilot the same as Microsoft Copilot?

No. These are two different services offered by Microsoft. Security Copilot is a cloud-based service that helps security professionals secure their environment by providing guidance and assistance with security incidents. Microsoft Copilot is an AI-powered code completion tool that assists developers in writing code by providing suggestions and auto-completion.

What are the main benefits of Microsoft Security Copilot?

Security Copilot’s benefits include the following:

Expert guidance – a security professional can get immediate feedback from Microsoft’s security experts on complex security challenges.

Proactive monitoring – Security Copilot is designed to proactively monitor your Microsoft cloud environment and raise the most relevant threats so that you can quickly mitigate any potential vulnerabilities.

Incident response support – You can use Security Copilot when a security incident arises to provide immediate support and guidance on the best next steps to limit potential damage.

Security posture improvement – Security Copilot can assess your Microsoft cloud environment and identify security gaps or vulnerabilities. The tool will provide recommendations on mitigating these by implementing security best practices to improve overall security posture.

• Compliance assistance – many industries enforce regulations and standards that organizations must comply with. Security Copilot can help with this compliance by offering guidance on compliance requirements and conducting audits to confirm if your environment meets these requirements.

Collaboration and knowledge sharing – Security Copilot can use Microsoft’s global threat intelligence to share knowledge across organizations and between security teams. This database consumes 65 trillion daily signals and can empower organizations to make informed security decisions.

Which AI does Microsoft Security Copilot use?

Security Copilot combines two AI models. It uses OpenAI’s GPT-4 generative AI advanced large language model (LLM) in combination with a security specific model developed by Microsoft.

Will Microsoft Security Copilot replace SOC positions?

Security Copilot is designed to augment SOC analysts’ work from compliance to threat hunting. The tool requires a skilled security professional to use it effectively and ask the right questions. Ultimately, this is a tool that you can use to be more impactful in your daily work.

from StationX

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